Brexit: bad news for French tourism
Brexit: bad news for French tourism
The British are pronounced on the release of their countries within the European Union. A decision which is not without consequences for the tourism industry.
Britons voted 51.9% of the vote to leave the EU, against 48.1% for staying, according to final results released Friday morning June 24 by the electoral commission. This could impact tourism in the UK but also in France and Europe.
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The first effect is the collapse of the pound sterling against the euro and the dollar. Within hours, the pound rose from 1.31 euro to 1.24 euro. A decline that is expected to intensify - to - 20% - in the coming days. The depreciation of the pound against the euro, if confirmed, will bring down the purchasing power of British tourists will force them to reduce their expenditure abroad. No doubt they will be less likely to travel outside their borders. "British tourists are coming less in France will become a more expensive destination" reported AFP Jean-Pierre Mas, president of the Travel Constructions. The phenomenon could be aggravated by a rise in the price of air tickets offered by low cost UK. These, with the Brexit, no longer benefit from the advantages of the single market of the European air transport. Easyjet for example wants to be reassuring, but uncertainties remain.
Conversely, and this can be considered good news, European tourists, and therefore French traveling to the United Kingdom should benefit from a favorable exchange rate. Last year over 36 million tourists stayed in Britain (11.8 million French in 2014 according to figures Atout France).
The output of the United Kingdom of the European Union should also lead to a renegotiation of the various treaties exchanges. Why not with the restoration of a visa to enter British soil.
Brexit: bad news for French tourism
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Posted on 07:59:00